The Art of Holiness
In "The Art of Holiness," we explore practical holiness, supernatural ministry, and intergenerational encouragement. We talk with practitioners who are innovating in these areas, and often Carolyn will invite a next-generation co-host to join her for the learning.
The Art of Holiness
Beth Allison Barr
Some of our best podcasts have been with historians, and today will be no exception. This is a great conversation. Beth Allison Barr is The James Vardaman Endowed Professor of History professor at Baylor University, specializing in Medieval and Early Modern England, Women’s History, Medieval Sermons, and Church History. She received degrees from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Baylor University. While she has written extensively on the historic role of women, especially in medieval England, her best selling books have focused on women in the evangelical world. If you haven’t read The Making of Biblical Womanhood, that’s a must read. And releasing in March … on pre-order through Amazon .. is Becoming the Pastor’s Wife: How Marriage Replaced Ordination as a Woman’s Path to Ministry. I’ve had a chance to preview the book, and my goodness … what an insightful study of the relationship between the decline of women’s ordination and the rise of the pastor’s wife.
Oh, and we reference a blog I wrote some time ago on the ESV. Find it here.