The Art of Holiness

Dr. Chris Bounds


Dr. Chris Bounds, professor of theology at Asbury Theological Seminary, has literally written the book on holiness … or should I say books. His upcoming book, co-authored with Matt Ayers and Caleb Friedman, is called Holiness: A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Theology. That one will be released this fall. But he has also co-authored, with Jim Harlow, Christy Lipscomb and Joann Lyon … one of my favorite people on the planet … a book called Holiness: The Power to Transform You, Your Church, and Your World. I’m thinking that book may have been re-released as Holiness for the Real World. And then just to make sure we get it that there is a lot more to say about holiness than we’ve thought about, he also co-authored with Jim Lo a book called Unholiness: Overcoming the Forces that Attack Your Soul. That’s a lot of holiness coming out of one guy. This is going to be a great conversation about something we’re all about … the art of holiness.